Accessible yet elusive, familiar yet original, imaginative yet honest, simple yet carefully crafted. This is the music of Grant J Ward…composer – songwriter – arranger. With a background in classical music, Grant draws on his breadth of influences to create a soulful style uniquely his own.
Listening to his music, you may feel you have heard it some place before, but then you hear a twist…a turn in the musical journey – whether it be an unexpected direction the melody suddenly takes, or the refreshing surprise of harmony that just seems to be right. Then you realise you want to keep travelling this road – you want to hear more.
Grant J Ward has composed/arranged music for Antix Theatre Company, The Victorian College of the Arts, Australian Girls’ Choir (including Sydney’s Carol’s in the Domain), ABC Sing! Book Series, Just Life Music, (Australia), Scorekeepers Music (USA), English Schools Foundation (Hong Kong) and has written the music and libretto for five stage musicals – including the acclaimed ‘Café Butterfly’. Grant is also an accomplished Singer/Songwriter.